Wednesday, June 7, 2017

The End of the Beginning

Hey, it’s been a while and a wild past 2 months.

I’ve made it to the step, which I was always reluctant to take. A step that has been the most adult-est in my life. Taking job as a full time intern, staying out, studying at night, going wild, and being anxious, these have been the most enjoyable yet productive ride.

These past 2 month taught me a lot on how being a human is not only just about staying at home, go to school, and get your heart broken. As a person, you have that ability to actually set how your daily life has to look like. Mine? My intern squad would not leave me a day without all the fun, the jokes, the burns, and the failed joke attempts. My time at school has also been improved. This supposed-to-be-tiring evening class has all the energy to keep most of the sessions entertaining. 

I would say it’s been quite enjoyable beside all the scars inside me that I’ve been trying to deal with. I also found myself fascinated by new places. Just like they say, traveling heals. It would free you from what you've been contained by. I went to two new places in two months. I found myself. Free of from the negativities.

But not all things forever. In 3 week I will be finishing school. In 7 weeks I will be finishing my internship. In these weeks, it also means I will be seeing my friends lesser and lesser.

My eagerness to start the new chapter of life is quite strong too. I can’t wait to see how my post-graduation life would be. But for now, I haven’t figured out yet on what to take.