Sunday, May 6, 2018

The End of Something Special

3:00AM and I’m up awake. I can’t sleep. I just keep waking up. All I know is that the back of my head and my chest hurt like there is something heavy inside.

I’ve lost something. Something that was once precious and special. The butterflies died. It was never excitement anymore but insecurity and over attachment.

I don’t know if it’s me or you, but we both are at the point where no one is capable enough to fix this broken relationship.

I’m just tired. Tired of trying one sided when you can’t even understand what you’ve put me through. I’m tired of trying to understand the wrong you do to me. I’m tired of convincing myself to believe your words even though your actions speak different. I’m tired of hearing your lies because over times I became so senseless.

I’m tired of overthinking, of being jealous, of having anxiety attack, of being overly attached, of being left unanswered, of asking about the same damn thing all over again.

It’s 3:30AM and I still don’t know what I’m up to anymore.

It’s been 3 years. You made me like this, but do you care?