Tuesday, September 13, 2016

That was a year ago.

That was a year ago. A year ago, on this day I did something I would not forget for my entire life. Something that has been at the back of my mind for the whole god damn year. I went out of my comfort zone, jumped on a plane, and ended up in Europe. 

I was leaving for Warsaw for my exchange through Erasmus, one of the most wanted scholarships among Cambodian students. 

As I got ready for my flight, my mom appeared as she was not letting me take this journey. Things got chaotic between me and my mom, even in front of my relatives and friends. I still got to go at the end, though. I landed in Warsaw at midnight and got dropped off at my dorm. I could not sleep. I cried till it was dawn. 

My days in Warsaw were not that great. I was out of mind most of the time thanks to all the feelings I caught thinking of home. I was mostly on phone call even I was walking to school, shopping to settle down, eating, or even sleeping. My mom, my aunt in Paris, my boyfriend, or my friends. I could not eat much either. I did not even feel good about my classmates there or to simplify, European youngsters. (thanks to my stereotype). I was in a terrible homesick that I had breakdowns many times in just a few days.

I ended up in Paris visiting my aunt before school start. I was in Paris for 3 weeks, more than I planned. Things got more chaotic when my mom has my aunt over me. That was when I decided to come back home. All because of the pressure I felt. I lost my motivations. I lost my desires. I need home. My mom wanted me back. I messed things up. The head of my department got involved. Things got messier. I bought the ticket home. That was a year ago. 

That was a year ago. But it's still in my head.

Warsaw City Center. Pictured by me.


  1. People make mistakes. Being able to move on is a choice, which matters. (Sorry for teasing you last time about this. My stupidity of not taking everything into consideration)

    1. I suck at moving on. Hopefully time heals. And it's okay. Glad you understand lol

  2. It's hard to get over sth. But u still have chance to make up ur mistake :). Chin up An An
