Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Why gender?

Ever since I know how to think, I’ve been curious about things that, at least to me, are illogically constructed. I haven’t noted it down, but one thing I know for sure is the social norm. To be specific, the gender role and gender-ization of things.

This world likes to assign gender to almost everything on earth; activities, hobbies, interests, and even look. And I really do not understand that. I mean, why do we have to do that?

            I wasn’t born manly. I am shy. Basically not everything of my features would fit into the category of a “male”. I’m not saying this because I was different. But because I found out that other people are having troubles fitting themselves into the stereotype as well. Because if we don’t act in accordance to the standard, we’re labeled different, weak, and under expectation. I’ve been mocked. Ever since I started school. “Gay” is what people would call on someone like me who has too much feminine hormone inside us. I mean, yes, I can’t meet your standard, but that wouldn’t make me any less of a human. Nor disqualify me from being male.

            Another thing I learnt from this society is that, even hobbies need to be assigned a gender to. I’ve notice how my cousins are taught about gender since they’re 5 when they mocked my brother for watching “My Little Pony”. In this society, boys who play jumping robes, dolls, hair braiding, are viewed as gay. Videogames are only for boys. If a girl plays videogames, be prepared for the surprise they had. And yes, sport. Football is for men.

            If you’re a guy and you did make up, you’re gay. If you’re more fashionable than a basic guy, you’re gay. These things are only for women. Male don’t cry. You’re not a real male if you cry.

            After all, if we all let go of this mindset, imagine how better the world could be. I know it’s hard. But if you’ve read this far, you might understand.


  1. @“Gay” is what people would call on someone like me who has too much feminine hormone inside us. I mean, yes, I can’t meet your standard, but that wouldn’t make me any less of a human. Nor disqualify me from being male.@ tear drops only for those who experienced this lol
